Dear Pathways Connect Group Participants,

Welcome to our fall 2016 issue of Pathways! In this issue we strove to present the importance of the nervous system in physical, emotional and social well-being. Focusing on the impact our nervous system has as our filter for perception and experience, we looked at the newly theorized branch of the vagus nerve: the social vagus. Since most of us are chiropractors, we know we are affecting this nerve with our adjustments. The implications of this impact may be one of the most important discoveries relevant to the manifestation of our human potential. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this journey with us through this special issue.

Please join us on the Pathways Connect Facebook page, it is a designated place for group leaders to share and learn:

We thank you for your continued service in creating a safe space for the parents in your community to embrace the shifting paradigm and create a healthier tomorrow.

Many, many blessings,

Jeanne Ohm, DC
Pathways Executive Editor


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